Saturday, July 10, 2010

Free Slightly Used Ex-Hubby

In our sophomore episode we visit Sacramento, CA and Boise, ID. We found inmates, good ol' boys, a substitute for true love, a startling number of phone numbers, and so much more!


  1. You do have a pretty hot voice.

    By the way, the good ole’ boy might be looking for a good ole’ girl.

    The guy who spent the whole post saying he didn’t care about insulting people, was opening himself up for finding a bitch of a girlfriend.

    The no B’s, means no bitchs.

    At least Mr. 30 reasons to date me has a sense of humor, or so he thinks.

    Extreme Frisbee is a sport. One should not leave out glow in the dark Frisbee. Does he have something against robots? Did one break his heart in the past? If not, then why won’t he give them a try?

    If he is from Europe, very hot and has a race car, why can’t he find a girl without using craigslist? What is wrong with him?

    He is slightly used and abused but has no baggage? Lies!

    Zoey sounded so sad at the end about censuring.

  2. >You do have a pretty hot voice.

    I'll assume this is addressed to me, and just say: Thank you! Glad you like it.

    >The no B’s, means no bitchs.

    Yeah, about fifteen minutes after we'd moved on from that post, I realized that, and felt like an idiot. When I listened to it again as editing, and again once it went out on the feed to make sure it was all good, I cringed, listening to that. Felt like an idiot.

    >Does he have something against robots? Did one break his heart in the past? If not, then why won’t he give them a try?

    He's a bigot. A fleshist. Thinks he's better because HE'S got ORGANS and EMOTIONS. Whoopty-flipping-doo. *grins*

    >If he is from Europe, very hot and has a race car, why can’t he find a girl without using craigslist? What is wrong with him?

    THAT is an excellent question, and to it, I can only say, I have absolutely no idea. You'd think a Hot European with a Race Car would have no problem, wouldn't you? Maybe "Hot" means he has a fever?

    >He is slightly used and abused but has no baggage? Lies!

    Have to agree with you there. That whole post was baggage related.

    >Zoey sounded so sad at the end about censuring.

    She did, yeah. We discussed it beforehand whether we wanted to or not, and hadn't reached a conclusion by that point. Still, if you listen closely, you'll find that some of the bits that should be censored still slide by, so you get a little of both. I like to censor the worst of it, but leave some of it out, just to earn that explicit tag that's on there.

    Thanks for listening! Feel free to tell your friends about us, or write a review on iTunes or give us a rating! We'd appreciate it!

