Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Vroom Vroom I'm A Car

In this episode we visit Cleveland, OH and Salt Lake City, UT. Right off the bat, Tycho delves into casual racism and Zoey tries to save it. We reveal our Halloween costumes, then manage not to get the episode out until Thanksgiving. We meet a guy who compares himself to onion dip, a sugar daddy seeking princes, a message from (or maybe to) an alien, a guy who lets Orianthi do the talking for him, and Zoey meant to say transposed, there. We also find Tycho having an unusual number of reading blowouts, a guy who is interested in a monogamous relationship but not a sole mate and is worried that it might end up a lamb night, a model who maybe doesn't know the difference between good attention and bad attention, and wrap up with a guy who is very attractive men.

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